Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mustang Valley Practices

Mustang Valley HOA consist of a FEW (less that 20) participants that vote on what will happen to the Subdivision. Voting should consist a fair amount of participants. With less than 10% of the neighborhood voting for changes it will cause a downturn in the neighborhood. Mustang Valley HOA need to involve the homeowners in taking actions as a community not as a group of 20 people.

In this economic downturn a lot of owners are worried about their jobs, and family. Having charges for violation will cause a hardship for a lot of families. I do not agree with these changes. If you want to change any the rules of the covenant of the HOA you must have more than a panel of people voting. If the homeowner is nor present. Send them mail in ballot. If they do not respond knock on their door. An accurate count is needed!

Stop wasting time and money on the little things and work on the future of the subdivision. Build the community with the people first. Stop promising and do something. If your going to make a park. Have cut backs on certain aspects of the funding. Set goals with dates.

Mustang Valley do not just need an organized Treasurer but an organized President. Residents want to see the money spent to make a better community not just for landscaping and security.

Every resident needs to help be that watchful eye. Watch your children. Do you know where they are? Where they are playing? Who are they with? What are they doing? It take a community to make a community.

Working together it is the only way a community we build and improve for today and it's future.

Notice of Changes